Spinach harvest completed (Beginners guide to growing veg) – Best way to start a vegetable garden

How to make a vegetable garden. (Vegetable gardening for beginners.) One week after discovering that the spinach is sick, here is the field.

Spinach harvest completed

If left unattended, the spinach bed will be affected by disease, causing the leaves to gradually turn yellow. So, this time, we will harvest all of it to prevent further progression.

We will harvest all the spinach this time

We harvest spinach by cutting the base with scissors.

We harvest spinach by cutting the base with scissors

This concludes the cultivation of spinach. (Spinach cultivation completed.)

Spinach cultivation completed

The middle bed is growing arugula (rocket) and “Bekana". Bekana is a member of the Chinese cabbage family.

The bed of arugula and Bekana
Arugula (rocket)
Bekana (Chinese cabbage family)

We harvest arugula before it becomes tough and woody when it bolts.

We harvest arugula before it bolts
Harvesting arugula

Harvesting the Bekana (Chinese cabbage family) when they seem ready to eat.

Bekana (Chinese cabbage family)

The last one is the bed of baby bok choy, leaf lettuce, and sugar snap peas.

The bed of baby bok choy, leaf lettuce, and sugar snap peas

Baby bok choy is ready for harvest, but since there’s too much to consume at once, I’ll harvest it in the next session.

Harvest the baby bok choy at a later date

Harvesting of leaf lettuce will take a little longer due to replanting. This bed also has purple komatsuna planted. (Komatsuna is Japanese mustard spinach.) Komatsuna accidentally mixed with the leaf lettuce seeds and grew larger unnoticed.

The leaf lettuce is still small
Purple komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)

The sugar snap peas are growing well, extending along the hemp twine and support stakes.

The sugar snap peas are growing well

This time, I harvested spinach, arugula, and Bekana, among others.

This time, I harvested spinach, arugula, and Bekana

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Spinach harvest completed (Beginners guide to growing veg) – Best way to start a vegetable garden – YouTube