Harvest peanut plant (full grown peanut plant) – Best way to grow peanuts
Growing peanut plant in chemical free farming. (How to grow groundnuts at home.) Peanuts (groundnuts), which were sow ...
Growing ginger root (Harvest ginger root plant) – Grow ginger at home
Grow ginger root in field farming. This time, we will harvest the ginger root plant that was planted in early May. Gi ...
Fertilizing ginger root (4th), brinjal and pepper (5th) – Growing ginger root, brinjal, and pepper
Growing ginger root, brinjal plant and green capsicum in field farming. Our goal for today is to manage the cultivati ...
Tips for growing green peppers (Sweet pepper plant care) – Green pepper gardening tips
Growing sweet peppers in organic farming. (Grow your own green peppers.) The focus for today is managing the growth o ...
How to grow peanuts, okra, and cucumber, etc… (Grow your own peanuts, okra, and cucumber, etc)
Growing peanuts, okra, and cucumber, etc in rental patch. We will check the cultivation progress of peanuts, okra, cu ...
Cucumber plant growing tips (Add-fertilizer for cucumber), pruning basil, and finishing tomato
Growing cucumber, basil, and tomato in chemical free cultivation. Today’s agenda includes overseeing the growth ...
Harvest time for okra and fertilizing ginger root (How to grow okra and ginger root)
Growing okra and ginger root in organic cultivation. This time, I will provide okra and ginger root plant care. Harve ...
How to grow peanuts (pegging), Fertilization for eggplant and pepper (fertilizing for the 4th time)
Growing peanut plants, eggplants, and green pepper in the ground cultivation. About 2 months have passed since planti ...
How to harvest okra (Harvesting full grown okra plant) and care for summer vegetable plants
Growing okra, basil, and etc in field crop cultivation. Let’s engage in the cultivation management of okra, bas ...
Peanuts and cucumber plant care (Hilling up peanut plant and pinching cucumber plant)
Grow peanuts, cucumbers, and etc in pesticide free farming. (Peanut and cucumber plant growing tips.) Cucumbers are e ...