Tomato crow deterrent measures

This time, we’ll apply crow deterrents to the tomatoes.

Tomato crow deterrents

It seems crows are targeting the ripening tomatoes, and there’s already damage in other rows.

Tomatoes pecked by crows

Crows scavenge trash in cities and homes, but I didn’t realize they also eat tomatoes.


My tomatoes are still green and untouched, but they might get eaten when they turn red, so I’ll take precautions now.

My tomatoes are still green and untouched

We cover the entire tomato plants with insect netting. This is our crow deterrent for the tomatoes.

We cover the entire tomato plants with insect netting

This is the insect netting. It not only prevents pests from entering but also serves as a bird deterrent.

Insect netting

First, cut a 3-meter (9.8 feet) length of the 180cm-wide (6 feet-wide) insect netting, then place the middle part over the tomato support stake.

How to cover tomato
Put the insect netting over the support stake
The actual covered state

This is how it looks at the bottom. Make sure the entire tomato plant is covered. We check the length balance and adjust the position of the insect netting if there are any extremely short areas.

We cover the entire tomato plant with insect netting

Once the net is in place, tie it around the top of the support stake in 2-3 spots using strings to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

Tie the insect netting to the support stake

At the bottom of the insect netting, gather it lightly around the support stake.

Gather the insect netting

To prevent it from spreading in the wind, we’ll use clothespins to secure the net in several places.

Secure the insect netting with clothespins

The entire tomato plant is covered, but regular care seems feasible.

Remove the clothespins when taking care of tomato

Just covering them with the net seems fine because it appears crows won’t enter where their wings touch.

Tomato crow deterrent done


This method involves enclosing the entire tomato plant with insect netting, which reduces airflow. Honestly, it’s not a highly recommended approach. For crow deterrents, I think it’s better to string twine around the tomato plants.

We planted summer vegetables (such as tomato, eggplant, and bell pepper) in early May.

If you want to grow tomato well, let’s do some sucker pruning.

When tomatoes grow, we set up thick stake to support them. (Growing tomatoes vertically.)

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Tomato crow deterrent measures – YouTube