Grow basil from seed outdoors and edamame stink bug prevention (Basil and edamame growing guide)

How to grow basil plant and edamame beans in outdoor cultivation. This time, I’ll explain about planting basil seeds and protecting edamame beans from stink bugs, but before that, let’s take a look at the tomato.

Planting basil seeds and edamame stink bug prevention

We put a insect netting over the tomato for crow protection, but it seems it hindered airflow because it covers the outside, which isn’t very good for the tomato. So, we removed it. (Also, we noticed discoloration of tomato leaves and slowed growth.)

Removed insect netting

Instead, we put up bird-proof strings (fishline). This should keep the crows out.

Bird-proof strings (fishline)
Installed in three tiers with 15cm intervals
We surrounded the tomato with bird-proof strings

Planting basil seeds (Growing basil from seed)

We sow basil seeds at the base of the tomato plant. (Growing basil outdoors.)

Basil plot (Basil grow outside)

Why do we plant basil seeds near tomato? That’s because basil is a companion plant for tomatoes.

What are companion plants?

Companion plants are combinations of vegetables or plants that are said to get along well together. (Companion plants are also called symbiotic plants.)

Description of companion plants

Planting basil near tomatoes helps absorb excess water from the tomatoes. (Tomatoes, originating from South America and favoring dry environments, pair well with basil, which is native to tropical Asia and enjoys water.) Basil, being a strongly scented herb, also acts as a natural insect repellent. (Keeps bugs away from tomatoes.)

Tomatoes and basil go well together

We plant basil seeds about 20cm (8 inches) away from the tomato. (Cutting the plastic with a mulch cutter.)

Basil is planted 20cm (8 inches) away from tomato
Cut the plastic with a mulch cutter

We plant four seeds in each hole. The depth is about 1cm (0.4 inches). Make a small hole with your fingertip and sow the basil seeds there. Since basil seeds are small, it’s easier to sow them by placing them on folded paper and using a toothpick.

Make a small indentation in the soil with your fingertip
Basil seeds
Plant basil seeds

Cover the planted basil seeds with soil and press down with your hand.

Cover the planted basil seeds with soil
Press down the soil with hand

Be careful not to wash away the seeds along with the soil when watering. (It’s recommended to water gently with a spray bottle or similar.)

Water basil seeds gently
Basil seeds have been planted

Stink bug prevention for edamame bean plants

The edamame pods are getting quite big.

Edamame bean plants

In late May, we thinned and hilled the edamame bean plants.

We need to watch out for stink bugs when the edamame pods start to swell.

Let's be careful of stink bugs

Stink bugs suck the nutrients from the beans and ruin the edamame, so we’ll use this spray as a countermeasure.

If affected by stink bugs, the edamame will become sparse

The liquid inside the spray is a mixture of vinegar, sugar, and Japanese shochu (distilled liquor). Not being a pesticide, it’s a harmless liquid for both the human body and vegetables. It seems to be a standard liquid in pesticide-free vegetable cultivation and is commonly used for disease prevention and pest repellent in vegetables.

The liquid mixed with vinegar, sugar, and shochu (distilled liquor)

Spraying the edamame pods is said to be effective for stink bug prevention.

Spray on the edamame pods

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Grow basil from seed outdoors and edamame stink bug prevention (Basil and edamame growing guide) – YouTube