Grow coriander and radish (Prep soil for coriander and radish) – Cilantro and radish cultivation
Growing cilantro (coriander) and radish in home garden. Coriander and radishes are grown from seeds. This time, we’ll prepare the soil before sowing the seeds.
Radishes are known for their short growing period from planting to harvest. They can be grown almost anytime except in mid-summer and mid-winter due to their wide cultivation range. The best time to grow radishes is in the spring and fall. For beginners, I recommend planting them in the less pest-prone fall season.
Coriander (cilantro), like radishes, is a versatile vegetable with a wide range of cultivation. I believe it can be grown year-round as long as it’s not in the peak of summer or winter. Cilantro has insect-repelling properties, so it’s a good idea to plant it near vegetables in the brassica family, like daikon radishes and cabbage.
The bed size for growing coriander and radishes is about 60cm x 60cm (2 feet x 2 feet). Here, we mix compost and fertilizer to create suitable soil for cultivation.
Best soil for growing cilantro and radishes (Adjust soil acidity with garden Lime)
Add 20cc (3/4 oz) of garden lime to the plot for coriander and radishes. Garden lime is added to adjust the soil’s acidity.
Especially for radishes, which dislike acidic soil, let’s adjust the acidity before cultivation. (Alkaline lime helps neutralize slightly acidic soil.)
We’ll prepare the bed for cilantro and radishes and lay down plastic mulch (Transparent mulch). This time, we want to do solarization (soil sterilization), so we’ll use transparent mulch. If we’re not doing soil sterilization, we’ll use black plastic mulch.
Garden lime takes about one week to blend into the soil. So, we’ll add fertilizer to the bed for coriander and radishes after a week.
Best conditions for growing coriander and radish (Add fertilizer and make furrow)
One week after adjusting the acidity with lime, we’ll add organic fertilizer to the bed for cilantro and radishes. The organic fertilizer consists of 1 liter (1 qt) of fully ripened cattle manure, and 100cc (3.5 oz) of canola cakes.
Cattle manure compost and canola cake are spread and mixed into the soil for coriander and radish. (Lift the mulch and set it aside.)
After fertilizing, the next step is to create the cilantro and radish bed. Shape the bed with a trowel and wooden boards.
As a tip for making the cilantro and radish bed, use a trowel to press the edges of the bed and make it slightly compacted. If you press the edges of the bed, you can maintain the shape of the bed.
Afterward, cover the coriander and radish bed with transparent mulch. The soil preparation for cilantro (coriander) and radishes is complete.
Switch from transparent mulch to black mulch about a week before planting the seeds. (The planting of cilantro and radishes begins in early September, so around the end of August or the beginning of September is the right time to switch the mulch.)
Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.
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